About Us
Inspired by A Natural Way of Life
Lee Bennion on the steps of her workshop. Photo by Steve Olpin
Here at Mom's Stuff, we believe that happy skin is a key to a happy life.
Since 1995 we've been helping people get happy skin by making products that are pure, safe, and effective. We believe in real results and we know you will love how our products make your skin look and feel.
All of our natural ingredients are locally and/or ethically sourced and selected for specific properties. We do not use any fillers (water, synthetics, stabilizers, cheap waxes or oils), which means that every ingredient in our products is an 'active' ingredient. The result: highly concentrated, all-natural products that we are confident will out-perform others you have tried.
All of our products are original; the recipes were carefully developed by Lee Bennion (aka Mom) and tested on our family and friends. Today our products are still lovingly handmade in small batches at our workshop in Spring City, Utah.
Our Promise:
Lee pouring a batch of salve. Photo by Joe Bennion
Our Story
Lee Udall Bennion is a painter who lives in rural Utah with her husband Joe, a potter. As artists they use their hands all the time, and their active country lifestyle includes gardening and landscaping on several acres of land, the upkeep of an orchard, chopping and hauling wood, and feeding and caring for a host of animals (dogs, chickens, horses, cats). In addition, Lee and Joe are passionate about wilderness and spend considerable time hiking, river rafting and horseback riding in all seasons. All this hard work and play takes a toll on their skin, especially hands and feet.
In 1995, frustrated by want of a skincare product that met her family’s needs, Lee began cooking up salves in her kitchen. She was inspired by traditional recipes and the ingredients she found in her local environment. Five years of patient experimenting later, word began to get out that Lee’s homemade salve was better and more protective skin care than anything commercially available. Friends and associates clamored for it, and a business was born. For many years she made and sold a single product: Mom's Stuff Salve (now called All-Purpose Piñon Salve). As the company, product line and customer base grew, we shortened the company name to Mom's Stuff, but we remain a small, family-run company with a commitment to crafting superior natural products.
Meet our Team
Lee Udall Bennion
Creator & CEO
In addition to being the genius behind our products, Lee is a well-known artist who works primarily in oil paints and print-making. You can see her artwork and purchase prints here. She is also an avid horsewoman, loves being in the mountains near her home, rafting in the Grand Canyon, or hiking in the desert canyons of Utah. She is the wife of Joe Bennion and the proud mother of three daughters (Louisa, Zina & Adah). She also lavishes motherly love on two horses, four dogs, a bunch of chickens, one turkey, and three barn kitties. She loves making pies, taking the dogs for walks, and clearing new trails for future trail rides in the mountains.
louisa Bennion
editor & production help
Louisa is Lee's oldest daughter who who is a freelance editor and edits all our copy. Additionally Louisa comes back to Utah a few times a year to help Lee with large production periods. Louisa is also a published writer, master of traditional Irish music (she plays the concertina), and Grand Canyon River Guide. Louisa lives in France full time and there does editing for folks around the world, writes, and is collaborating on several film projects with her partner.
Zina Bennion
Director of Business & Marketing
Zina, Lee's middle daughter, has been working with the company since June of 2014. She keeps all the books, handles our social media accounts, marketing, wholesale accounts, and customer service. Her background is in art, outdoor education, and library services. She lives with her husband and three cats and loves to cook with home-grown produce from her small raised-bed garden. She is passionate about travel, reading, being outdoors, friends, food, and her family.
Adah Bennion
Shipping & workshop manager
Adah is Lee's youngest daughter and newest addition to the team. Adah is a organizational wizard and applies her detail oriented brain to all our shipping operations and managing inventory of supplies and product. In addition she works as a manager for a local art space and creates beautiful photos, wood block prints, drawings, etc. She is mom to a French Bulldog named wizard, loves to garden, be outside, and read. Adah lives across the street from Lee in Spring City in an old home she and her partner are renovating.
Giving Back! Share the love!
We feel strongly about using our business to help support people doing great things in the world. ONE (One New Education) is a non-profit that works with individual girls and their families in developing countries to help provide them with the resources they need to gain an education. With every purchase you make, a percentage goes to ONE to help many deserving girls gain the skills they need to succeed.
We also donate our products to causes we care about for auctions, fundraisers, or groups that could benefit from our products. If you are interested in partnering with us on a fundraiser or auction, please contact us!