“Thank you Lee, for making Mom’s Stuff Salve. I’m training for a marathon & I’ve been using it to prevent chafing (chafing is just athlete’s foot, or fungal infection that has moved north up to your crotch). Not only does it work fabulously, but it also has healed my sore spots from prior to using. Thanks a million!”
“On most trips I get ‘toelio’ (River guide lingo for fungal infection of the feet) if I’m not real careful about putting Mom’s Stuff Salve on every night. Your salve stops that ‘drive-you-crazy’ itching and makes the blood blisters go away quickly; it lets me keep walking and smiling through the lower end of the canyon, that’s for sure!”
“I have been using Mom’s Stuff for some time. My brother-in-law left some with me when he came to visit from Provo, Utah. I read your other endorsements and I didn’t really see anyone mention the way I use it. I have had a fungus in my fingernails for most of my life. I didn’t know what it was until I went to have a manicure. I had very thick nails and they were white, not pink. Well, I have been putting Mom’s Stuff Salve on them whenever I think about it and it’s taking time, but they are gradually getting thinner and more pink. It hasn’t been a quick fix, but it is working. I am grateful that my brother-in-law left it with me. I want to give the little bit I have left to a friend to try, so I needed to order some for myself. Thank you!”
“I sent a jar of Mom’s Stuff Salve to my sister, who suffers from nail fungus, and she says it’s showing improvement, after only a few weeks. Now her husband has appropriated the jar, so I’m sure she’ll be placing an order with you soon. Thanks for being there!”