Mom's Stuff

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superfood for skin®


Quality - All Natural - Hand Crafted

We believe happy skin is a key to a happy life. We hand-craft a line of superior natural products that are formulated to help deeply nourish, hydrate, soothe and protect your skin. Our skincare products are concentrated and we never use fillers so a little goes a long way. We guarantee you will feel the difference or your money back! Try our All Purpose Piñon Salve for dry hands, feet or problem areas. Our Face Balms are luscious moisturizers for neck and face, and our Piñon Body Oil is a nourishing treat for your whole body!

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All Purpose

Piñon Salve


Piñon Body Oil


Face Balms



our story 

I bought a jar of Mom’s Stuff and have found it to be so all-around useful! I use it on my dry summer feet (especially the heels), on my hands after doing the dishes, and use it to sooth and heal the kids’ bumps and scrapes. It works wonders, I swear. It’s one of those products that has become a part of the family bag — thrown in with diapers, sunscreen, water bottles, etc. when we head off on an adventure.
— Gabrielle Blair, Design Mom
Mom’s Stuff is great! For the past few winters, I’ve had trouble with the skin cracking on the tip of my thumb which is painful. Nothing ever seemed to help, unless I covered it with a bandage. Now that I’ve discovered Mom’s Stuff, the cracking is no longer a problem! It still starts when it gets cold and dry outside, but now – with a daily application of The Stuff – the crack disappears quickly and my hands (and feet) stay soft. Thank you!
— Patty, TX
I love love Mom’s Stuff Face Balms!! They are so nourishing to my skin and really penetrate and moisturize a my skin unlike other products that just sit on the surface of my skin. I have normal to dry skin and live in a dry climate, so it is important to have a face cream that really moisturizes. These products do and make my skin feel so smooth. I think my skin glows too when I am wearing them. I don’t want to ever use anything else. I can’t say enough good about these products. I can never go back to anything else.
— Meta Coleman